“We are not human
beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human
experience.” Teilhard de Chardin
Earlier this year I had a dream – floating out in space I
was viewing Spaceship Earth. The left side was very dark, the middle gray, but
the right side was clear and pristine. The way I interpreted it was that the
dark side is The Tribe’s (Humanity) past, the gray middle our current times,
and the clear right our evolved, loving, collective future. However, in order
to achieve this ascension to a higher, lighter frequency future, The Tribe
needs to come to terms with its collective past.
Unfortunately the Abrahamic religions were created by men to
explain the material reality for control of society for the benefit of a
few. They did this by decreeing certain
word energies as coming from various “superior” beings than The Tribe and are
the origin of the dummying down of Humanity. To this day we are told to
disregard our energetic senses, to disregard what we learned in our dream
states, what we saw with our own eye’s, or what we remembered from previous
incarnations into the “material” realm.
However, The Tribe is becoming aware and is slowing
awakening to the fact that “we are more than our physical bodies”, that all members
of The Tribe are multidimensional energy beings (MDEB’s) who inhabit a
bio-electromagnetic suit for very brief periods of time. Each of us, individually and collectively, are
responsible for our thoughts, words, emotions, and actions as these are energy
which creates our material reality at any given moment.
And therein lays The
Tribe’s problem: our electromagnetic
solar system is entering a part of the galaxy which is bombarding all life with
new energies at the same time that our atmosphere is collapsing along with our
geomagnetic shield failing. Since both our bio-suit and our essence (spirit/soul)
are energy as well, we act as an antenna for these energies so The Tribe needs
to be told of these events and how to protect themselves and Spaceship Earth.
As this is happening
to our “reality” it is also happening on/in other nearby dimensions as the veil
between all is thinning. Humanity is
beginning to see, hear, and experience that which they’ve been taught doesn’t
exist. They need to be prepared for what has been happening and is accelerating
as I write this.
Those not spiritually
aware and awake about being MDEB’s need to be taught how to control their
energies to create their individual and our collective reality. Once enough of us are fluent in these
practices and exercises, we can begin to correct the wrongs that have been
inflicted on Spaceship Earth and her inhabitants. However, that brings us to problem number two
– the Truth of our collective history needs to see the light of day so we can
finally kick the negative/regressive Service To Self (STS’s) MDEB’s to curb.
“The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will
be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.”
Patrick Henry
First and foremost,
you and yours need to come clean about how The Tribe was created, not by some
unseen GOD, but entities not of our world. You need to acknowledge the work of
ancient Hebrew scholar and translator Mauro Biglino, among others, which proves
that the translations of the bible are purposely incorrect.
Basically, all life
on Spaceship Earth’s material reality was created by enlightened spiritual
groups of Service To Others (STO) Aliens fusing, mixing, and combining their
collective DNA/genetic material. Their
intent was to create a beautifully bio-diverse world, Ark if you like, with The
Tribe being created to become stewards of this paradise.
Unfortunately, the STS
negative/regressive civilizations not involved in this collective experiment
watched and began to covet these new creations. They started a cosmic war with
the more enlightened civilizations and won, to the detriment of The Tribe. And
they are still here, manipulating us to this day for their own greedy and predatory
This low frequency, regressive
collective, being MDEB like Humanity, feeds off of the negative energies
created by pitting us against one another which keeps us from evolving to a
higher light/sound frequency. They are
able to do so with the approval of a very small group of Humans. By keeping The Tribe in constant chaos the
negative MDEB’s are well fed while the Service To Self (STS) members of The
Tribe are rewarded with material wealth.
What both of these
regressive groups didn’t take into consideration was the part of Space we are
now entering. Because of The Tribe’s
natural multi-dimensional nature, both spirit/soul and our bio-suits, when
educated, we can finally rid ourselves of the whole lot of them with just the
power of intent – because we exist in a freewill zone of the galaxy. And this
can be used to our advantage!
Unlike many regions
of the Universe, ours is a freewill reality where “visitors” are only allowed
if the “native” inhabitants welcome and approve. Therefore, if The Tribe is
made aware of these beings and collectively kick THEIR collective asses to the
curb, Spaceship will become paradise again!
But we have no time
to waste in accomplishing this. These STS beings - both human and not - know
The Tribe is becoming more awake and aware of their individual and collective
abilities so they’re fearful that their “feeding ground” will disappear. But don’t forget, The Tribe does have Allies;
they’re the MDEB’s that created us in the first place, the STO’s that will come
to our aid, if we just ask.
Once we rid
Spaceship Earth of these parasites, we then need to cleanse the planet as well
because negative energies that have been
created over the eon’s have become embedded at a cellular level on all life
forms, include Gaia. To free the lost souls and to put up a permanent barrier
to the lower frequency life forms, The Tribe needs to collectively focus
emotions of light and love to locations where negative actions took place.
Prisons, asylums, concentration camps, industrial accidents, etc. Once accomplished our collective ascension
By now you’re probably asking how I know all the above to be
true. Well, do I have a story to tell you!
Universe has been bitch slapping me around since I came out
of the womb. It’s almost as if she can’t make up her mind as to whether I
should exist or not. Being of a fickle nature, Universe would time and again
assist me in having a near death experience, only to pull me from the brink of
death at the very last moment.
The first time was when “persons unknown” threw my 1 ½ yr
old body out of a second story window, but I fooled her by landing a 9.5 and
just a broken thigh. About a year later I fell out of a moving car onto a busy
street, then it was almost getting my skull
crushed at age 6 in a game of tag, and was nearly decapitated about age
8 exiting the family car. Universe’s
perverse sense of humor followed me into young adulthood when I was nearly done
in by a couple of sharks, then drowning followed by electrocution.
Most of this activity stopped once I married. Towards the
end of our 11 year marriage in the mid 90’s is when we both encountered the
Grey MDEB’s while on vacation in Florida.
The problems started when we came home to the DC area and they showed up
on our door steps in a roundabout way.
One afternoon I came home from work, changed clothes, and
then went out to run errands. But when I exited my apartment building, there
were four identical Asian men standing outside of an old blue car, with their
front car lights blinking on and off. But didn’t work, I knew who they were, I was
tired and went on my way.
Then, a few weeks later, this “robotic” type “kid” was
sitting in my apartment lobby. He had black hair, very white skin and was
wearing sunglasses. As I entered he was sitting, back straight, staring out the
window, when he turned to me raising his right arm and waved to me, saying “Howdy!”
Very strange.
The mid 2000’s is when I encountered the Reptilian race at a
meditative workshop at The Monroe Institute in Virginia. For the week long course we would have remote
viewing/meditative practice sessions 3 or 4 times a day. It was during the first day
or two that I saw their eye’s in my mind’s eye. After a few of those encounters I
questioned the staff as to what was going on. They stated these MDEB’s frequented the area but weren't a threat.
As for the Nordics, finally met them beginning in 2011. Very
attractive species most are tall and very fit, blue slanted eyes, high cheek
bones, though there are variations with brown hair and being short. But there
was an arrogance about them, like The Tribe is beneath them.
I had an encounter with one in my magic kingdom (park). He
was playing some kind of a flute by one of the streams. The music was beautiful
and haunting at the same time so I approached him from behind, gently tapped
his shoulder, said “Excuse me” and asked him about the flute.
He barely turned his head, told me what it was and ended the
conversation with “I wasn’t expecting to be poked in the back” then started
playing again. Rude!
Again, I’ve known and exercised my energetic senses from an
early age. When the phone rang I knew who was on the other end or in later
years an email was incoming from a particular person. When I thought of other
people I cared for they’d show up or call. But I also had precognitive
abilities like when a quarter of my family was in Madrid when the train station
was bombed a few years back. I knew hours before hand that something was amiss
but I couldn’t zero in on the matter.
But the fun “stuff” is “playing” with weather! I
started decades ago as a bored housewife accompanying her husband’s Sunday morning
fishing trips. While he fished, I’d read the Washington Post and when finished,
started playing with clouds. I did so by focusing on a particular one with the
intention to either DISAPATE or GROW/EXPAND.
After some practice I got really good at it!
In the early morning after writing to President Obama before
his first inaugural address I turned off all the lights in my apartment, opened
the blinds on my big picture window facing the direction of the White House and
started focusing on a cloud to expand. And it did, slowly but surely, it
started sucking in the few surrounding clouds, growing by leaps and bounds, to
the point it scared the crap out of me because it was just above the Whitehouse!
So I stopped focusing but it continued to suck in the surrounding clouds! I
immediately closed the blinds and went to bed.
Though I’ve been
aware of and used them frequently, beginning in the fall of 2010 my energetic
abilities were ramping up. During this period I spent a great deal of time
walking, meditating, and writing in a very special magic kingdom (local park).
It was crisscrossed by several streams with pathways both paved and not
throughout the hills and valleys.
It was then that I noticed that birds of different feathers
do flock together when in my vicinity, perching very near me or even coming
right up to me, with ducks and geese taking naps at my feet or Robins and
Cardinals following me on the trails. It
was the same thing with insects – dragon flies alighting on my writing material
or butterflies and lady bugs landing on or near me.
But Squirrels were a hoot! They’d coming running up to me,
standing up on their hind legs, just to get a closer glimpse of me or the time
I had a 5 minute conversation with one not a foot away from where I was sitting,
gnawing on a nut, discoursing on subjects I know not of. Or the turtles in the pond that swam from the
opposing shore to greet me on the deck every day, necks craned up into my
direction. The wild deer were also awesome, coming up to sniff my hand with no
fear in their eyes.
But communing with a Great Blue Heron for a couple of
minutes and the eagle that circled over me after I asked it to come closer are
proof that all life is interconnected – if we use our empathic and
compassionate energies from a place of love.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for
good men (and women) to do nothing." Edmund
2011 was supposed to be the birth of The Tribe’s Apocalypse, “the disclosure
of knowledge, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation, a disclosure of
something hidden.” The Occupy Wall
Street, the Arab Spring, among many worldwide shattering events, were supposed
to bring in the dawn of the spiritual evolution of a more mature Humanity and
to take our rightful place at the table of cosmic consciousness.
And though I had been chiding American main stream media in
regards to their collective word energies effect on The Tribe – or the lack
thereof – since 2010, all it did was get US federal government goons all over my
ass. Or maybe it was an email I sent to
President Obama (Sir Dude) about wanting to be Spaceship Earth’s first
planetary Ambassador to the other MDEB civilizations. Who knows! NOTE: full disclosure at my blog site http://onetribeinfinitepossibilitiesreport.blogspot.com/
Because I wasn’t able to “be the change I wish to see in the
world”, I’m passing the torch onto all of you, the Spiritual Warriors of The
Tribe. Your job is to spread the word of what needs to be done to assist
Humanity in its much delayed evolutionary progress. All this knowledge is available to The Tribe if
they just searched inside themselves to envision our planet and each other with
compassionate, empathic, loving, light energies.
If you have any questions please feel free to
contact me.
“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom” —Paracelsus
With the utmost respect,
Leslie Beil, aka Artemis!
Cc: His Holiness Pope Francis, Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri,
Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano, Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, Albert J. DiUlio, His Holiness the Dalai Lama
In the section titled
I failed to mention several things. That time period wasn’t all “peaches and
cream” for me, there were many experiences of “darker” elements. By this I mean
encounters with dog’s, normally very sweet to me, turning into “Cuju” when they
neared me, a horrible odor in my new apartment. And the crows!
They began showing up in early 2010 when I was heavily into
meditation, doing so for many hours throughout the day, both at home and in my
magic kingdom. For the longest time I
had always associated crows and raven’s in a negative light so I’d do whatever
I could to make them go away, including throwing sticks at them and
telepathically telling them to stay away from me!
It wasn’t until I
turned to my heart center in the middle of 2011 to resolve my irritation by
sending them the same loving light energies that I did the other curious
creatures. I did so after researching the folk lore and found many cultures
that thought of them in a positive light. And it worked! They began to think of
me as a member of their murder (flock) so they’d roost in branches just a foot
or two above me, cooing in an odd, pleasant way.
But for reasons I can’t explain, in January of this year, I
stopped meditating. Completely. By July I noticed the magic was disappearing
from my kingdom. The ducks and geese stopped taking naps near my and others
feet. The birds stopped accompanying on walks and my precious squirrels stopped
coming by and talking with me.
I miss the magic so I started meditating a couple of months
ago, both at home and in my kingdom. The magic is slowly coming back, but it’s
going to take time as winter settles in and I visit less frequently. But I’m a
determined old broad so why don’t you join me so that together we can “be the
change we wish to see in the world.”
And I’m not the only one! Just yesterday I discovered an
AMAZING woman who has far surpassed my feeble attempts at trans-species communication!
Again, it’s as simple as coming from a state of graceful, heartfelt loving, energies
when dealing with ALL life forms as we’re all interconnected. http://www.animalspirit.org/
Just one more thing: my ex-husband/roommate, when losing an argument,
“threatens” me with karate chops. The
other day, when meditating in bed, I started losing focus and received a gentle
karate chop on the back of my neck!! I got the message and refocused again but
minutes later, another chop to the neck! Same thing happened today but it wasn’t
as gentle as the earlier ones! Universe has been eavesdropping! As with everyone, I’m a work in progress
Missy, cut me some slack!
Well said, Leslie We are all one tribe , indeed all spiritual beings and all joined and united by a luminous thread of love ~ which we will all eventually surrender to . We cannot escape our destiny and it is divine.
ReplyDeleteGreetings, thanks for sharing your story and truth. We will one day be leader of the this Universe, to help other to rise their vibe. So we are in training to learn to be the best creators we can be. Earth is our school and I appreciate all beings and my choices and my remembering so much. I believe we are all winners in this game, I have learn not to get lock in to how things should go, that not my job. My job is to know myself within and my powers and abilities and to be of service. To feel the delicious joy and delight in finding what pleases me, and let that be a example for all. There is so much more going on then meet the eye, this I am aware of. Benevolent outcomes.