"Each of us, individually and collectively, are responsible for our thoughts, words,and actions as these are energy which creates reality at any given moment. I want to share my insights into how important it is at this period of time for humanity to mature emotionally, evolve consciously and embrace the divine spark of light and love that exists and can be manifested in each of us." Leslie Beil

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Dear President Obama,
With all due respect Sir, you have once again disappointed The Tribe in regards to disclosing the truth about other humanoid beings “visiting” Spaceship Earth and the tech that has been given or stolen from them. The Tribe had very high hopes that, of all administrations, yours would be the one to let Truth see the light of day on this matter. Sadly, you let us down, once again.

Most inhabitants of our planet have either seen these phenomena for themselves or on TV, the internet photos/video, and other documentary evidence that provide the proof of their existence. So it boggles The Tribe’s collective mind that as other countries around the globe are releasing formally classified information on these matters, your “transparent” administration refuses to do so or acknowledge their existence.
If the reason that was presented to you as Commander in Chief was that these “beings” were of a hostile or negative sort to Humanity, The Tribe would respond “DUH”! Those are the ones whom America and the Brit’s have aligned themselves with, conducting a myriad of heinous crimes against Humanity for many, many years. However, there are also more enlightened inter-dimensional and extra-terrestrial beings who are more than will to come to The Tribe’s aid.  All they’re asking for is acknowledgement that we COLLECTIVELY require their assistance in getting rid of the darker elements. Why do we have to ask? Because “freewill” is a universal right that they honor so they can’t interfere without our consent.

Another requirement for this positive help is that the technology received and developed by the Black Hats – both human and not – be released to the planetary public. As I wrote you previously, the US government, aka the American public, owns some AMAZING tech, all developed, procured, or stolen on the tax payer dime.  Remember when I told you about the passive solar paint developed by SAIC? That was years ago but has only appeared in the press recently as “breakthrough” tech! Or the rash of news in the past few weeks that cold fusion actually works – been around for decades, but the Truth was kept hidden due to greed by electrical, oil, and gas companies. And the alchemists perpetual motion machine, recent verified by an MIT professor.

I know, I know, there will be those that will say release of this technological information would disrupt the global economic structure, but, quite frankly, it’s already in the crapper and The Tribe is running out of TP to clean up this mess! It’s THEIR money that’s bailing out the elite, and they know it! The Powers That Be/Were (TPTBW) have gotten so desperate to get the last of the planets natural resources that these money grubbing Elites are creating earthquakes and polluting precious few fresh water resources.

But, hidden in the bowels of companies like MITRE, LOCKHEED MARTIN, or the Black Ops Gang (BOG’s) are unfathomable amounts of clean energy technology that exists NOW! We can stop the desecration and defecation of our collective home, Spaceship Earth. The Visitors are sincerely puzzled by our collective inaction on the implementation of these technologies.  The release of that tech is another requirement from the “neighboring” White Hats, partly as a sign that we have finally evolved into a more mature race of beings.
I also am aware of the e-van elements concerns about DISCLOSURE because they supposedly conflict with the revelations in their holy book, the Bible.  They’re telling you and others that if this Truth comes to light it will mean the collapse of most of the planets major religions. Well, The Tribe and I say, ABOUT TIME!!

You have to understand Sir, whether they’re Catholic, Christian, Hindu or Muslim, The Tribe is literally tired to death of the wars and killing done in God’s name. Collectively they are sick of the Pay, Pray, Obey mentality of their faiths, particularly those that follow the Vatican.  So yes, this MAY be the end of organized religions that have done little to enlighten the awareness of The Tribe that they are part of a brotherhood of cosmic beings. But is that discovery so bad??  

Lastly, if you simply, truly, don’t believe they exist, please check out this website in regards to Leslie Kean's book about UFO's, or mine, One Tribe Infinite Possibilities. You’ll be able to view a photo of a grey ET that was messing with my ex and I when we were going thru a divorce.  The White House website doesn’t allow posting of pic’s so you’ll have to check it out there.  As I've said before, I'll state again, sometimes my life can be stranger than fiction. Talk about a wild ride:)

cc: Vatican Embassy
      Washington DC


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